Why Equality and Gender?
We believe in a more inclusive and fair world, and therefore one of the areas of the Fundación Siglo22 is on Gender Equality issues, providing actions aimed at reducing the gender gap. The objectives of this area are:
- The creation of an observatory of good practices in gender equality among young people. .
- The promotion of creative women's networks, using technology to achieve greater visibility and dissemination.
- Women's visibility through different actions in our own events or those organised by other entities.
Some of our actions in this line are:
- A contest on gender equality and youth.
- The participation in congresses, publications, etc.
- Debates, discussion groups and research.
- Microcredits for women in the NEF network.
- Training in companies on gender equality in the workplace.
- Visibility and training for women in the NEF network.

Our projects
- Generocional: Youth, Equality and Action! An observatory for equality and prevention of gender violence in young people.
- NEF (Networking en Femenino): a support network among women for professional and personal visibility and empowerment.